How to Find US



  • We are located in SE Arizona – about 90 miles and 90 minutes SE of the Tucson (TUS) airport, or about 3 1/2 hours from the Phoenix Airport (PHX).  We recommend the Tucson Airport due to its closer location and because it is a smaller airport that is much easier to use (generally quick check-ins and short lines at TSA).  Also, airfares to Tuscon may be lower or the same as flying into PHX.  From either airport:
  • Take Interstate 10 East toward Benson AZ. (Exit 302) for Hwy 90.
  • Take the Exit for Hwy 90 to Sierra Vista and Fort Huachuca, heading Southbound for 28 miles.
  • Follow Hwy 90 to the outskirts of Sierra Vista where Hwy 90 Bypass turns Left at a traffic light. (mile marker 317)
  • (Do NOT take the Bypass unless you wish to get to grocery stores in Sierra Vista. Rather just continue straight through the traffic light onto Buffalo Soldier Trail (still a divided highway). This takes you around the West and then South side of Sierra Vista (avoiding a lot of traffic lights).
  • Follow Buffalo Soldier Trail for 6 miles to the intersection with Hwy 92 (traffic light) where Buffalo Soldier Trail ends.
  • Turn RIGHT on Hwy 92 and continue Southbound to an intersection with Hereford Road (traffic light where there is a rural Post Office on the right).
  • Turn LEFT onto Hereford Road at the traffic light heading Eastbound for 7.4 miles to Palominas Road
  • Turn RIGHT onto Palominas Road. (If you get to a small one lane bridge on Hereford Road you have gone 1 mile too far – turn around and go back to Palominas Road).
  • Once you are on Palominas Road and head Southbound for approximately 2.2 miles where you will find Waters Road to the Left (and Three Canyons Road to the Right).
  • Turn LEFT onto Waters Road heading Eastbound down toward the San Pedro River. (1 mile)
  • The Casa is located at the end of Waters Road where Yell Lane continues to the Right.
  • Drive in the driveway and proceed around the building to the parking lot in the back of the building.
  • Enter the Casa from the parking lot to the Back Gate at the Rear of the Building.

Check-in times are between 4:00 and 6:00 pm. Please call us at (520) 366-1300 if you need any further directions of if you will arrive either much earlier or any later than the check-in times. Remember that if you expect to arrive after 6:00 pm you MUST let us know ahead of time so we can give you a gate code to enter the back gate into the Casa.